Obama tweeted a lot up until Nov 5th, but now apparently he hasn't tweeted at all. Hmmmm. I assume his non-tweetiness is due to overprotective secret service people, or perhaps, Obama's campaign was all about marketing effectively. Probably a lot of both. He is a politician, after all. Supposedly, he is working out a deal with security so he can stay wired to his peeps. Otherwise, Generation We may have been Madison Avenued into submission, I mean campaigning and voting.
Where was I? Oh yeah Twitter: microblogging, short messages, that keep your family and friends up to date on how you are really doing. These are similar to the status updates on facebook, except Facebook asks, "what are you doing right now?"
As I was surfing (the surfer in me just vomited) on Twitter I found the button titled Trending topics and Best Buy was under that. Being curious, and remembering reading something about Best Buy giving away free laptops, I clicked on it.
It was 9:30 PM Thursday, the night before Black Friday, and people were already camping out at Best Buy, opens at 5 AM, according to the Twitter tweets. But there was no mention of free laptops in the tweets.
There probably aren't people camping out at my Best Buy, I thought. No, that camping thing is for big cities. Apparently, I live in a big city because there were people camping out at my Best Buy.

"This could be your big break and you neeeeeeeeed good pictures to go with your great writing!" orders my Mom, who doesn't even read my blog, as we drive away from Best Buy with my one blurry picture.
Then my Mom was kind enough to drive to Circuit City on the way because she really wanted me to have a good picture of the campers, albeit they are Circuit City campers.
Her picture is so much better than mine. And she said she asked the lone campers permission.

After checking out Best Buy I searched for some of my friends on Twitter. I couldn't find any of my real friends so I found some of my role models, like Jennifer Nettles. And dooce.com, my favorite mommy blogger and the original inspiration for my own blog. Then I started following them. Following isn't the same as stalking.
Following means when the person I am following tweets the tweet shows up on my Twitter home page in real time, as soon as a tweet is posted. It's a way to stay connected to someone's life, I'm not physically connected to. And if it weren't for the internet perhaps I would never know anyone else struggles with parenting in similar ways that I do.
This whole "we are all connected thing" is really blowing up. Wow.
Not only that, but I'm now following the absent Twitter guy, Mr. President Elect. And guess what? Obama just sent me an email saying he is now following my tweets. OMG! Wait? Does he have time for that?
"Barack Obama is following you?" asks Stefan. "I don't get it?"
"I guess I didn't explain it very well," I say. "It means my tweets show up on his home page in real time."
"Obama is reading you tweets?" Stefans asks in hopeless confusion. It's not like I said he's reading my tits, now that would be confusing.
All this tweeting sounds like a useless waste of time, right? Wrong. Dead wrong. As the terror attacks were happening in Mumbai, people, I'm talking regular people, okay maybe rich regular people, were giving first hand accounts of the terrorist attacks in Mumbai on Twitter. Live news straight from the source. Not filtered through some bleeding heart liberal reporter. I can say that because I am one. Except, I prefer blogger to reporter because that's my sport of preference. Seems as if I am getting back into Journalism as it's about to die. Perfect.
Also, when Motrin released their ad targeted at Mommies, the Mommy blogosphere on twitter was insulted and went beserk. So beserk that Motrin pulled the add and apologized.
Now there is proof of the power of people banding together via the Internet. Together we can make a difference.
Real Motrin ad that was pulled.
Parody of Real Motrin ad that is hilarious!
1 comment:
haha where do you find these videos?!?! OH... you must find them early in the morning when you're SUPPOSED to be meeting me at the beach.
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