Researchers in the study were expecting to find the opposite to be true since grandparents typically don't adhere to modern safety practices. Now there's an understatement. Maybe today's grandparents apply common sense, and many have the benefit of good night's rest. Or could it be the influence of Dr. Spock, "greetings Earthling." Oh wait. Not that Spock, you know the other one. My Mom loves quoting him.

Besides it isn't as if it's their first time around the child rearing block. And we're all alive, right?
Of course, there could be other reasons for the finding. Could it be that grandparents keep their grandchildren closer? Maybe they don't let their grandchildren venture into the great outdoors where dangerous things could happen? Or perhaps, Grandparents let kids watch way too much T.V., and play too many video games? The only danger in the last two is attention deficit disorder and repetitive strain injury.
Or maybe grandparents have struck a deal with their grandchildren with a pact no child could resist? "I promise to spoil you senseless, Little Jonny, if you promise not to get hurt while I am watching you. Because if you get hurt on my watch, I will never hear the end of it. Deal?"
"Deal Nana!" answers Little Jonny.
Ice cream... I mean bribery does usually do the trick.
my grandma (my moms mom) never bribed or spoiled me. she was a first generation korean, she believed the grand daughter should serve the grandsons. "you need to serve them food", "you need to wash the dishes", "you should be doing their laundry" blah blah. my mom always asked why i liked to visit Muh (my dads mom) so much, and i said, "because when i tell Muh i'm coming over, she ALWAYS bakes me something sweet, and she doesn't expect me to wash my brothers underwear". but, now that you mention it, whenever we were in the care of either grandparents, we never got hurt. i think its because they made us stay inside.
I think that grandparents are so happy to spend time with the children that they actually interact and watch them. At least my parents do. I on the other hand am always trying to get away from mine. You want to surf the boogie board down the stairs? Sure! Just don't break you neck because I have to work in my office and can't take you to the ER. You'll have to just drag yourself across the street to see Dr. Mike if you do.
mr. spock
dr. spock
um, yeah...
Nice Pic NANA!
Yes I read all comments. No comment. lol
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