Sometimes, the will of the people dictates the law. I learned this a long time ago, practically in another life in my Constitutional Law class. And we all know sometimes the mob is so wrong.
Prior to election day, I kept thinking to myself, "aren't people protected by the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment?" in regards to Prop 8. Those thoughts were also left over from my Con Law class. I couldn't get myself to look it up until now, but basically my memory served me right, give or take some legal jargon. Here are more of my friend's pictures from the Repeal Prop 8 Rally somewhere in Los Angeles.

oh man. everyone is right in their "reality" (this is what my therapist tells me). my reality is probably going to be different than anyone reading this, so if you get offended, whatever, you have you own reality and i respect that. so that is my disclaimer, i am going to start spewing. ok, in my reality, everyone is NOT equal no matter how hard we try to force it. men are always going to be naturally physically stronger than women, women are physically weaker but can birth babies (many would agree this is a blessing), some people are healthy, some people have genetic diseases, blah blah. gays, yah, they have there sexual preference, and they have a choice (some believe they dont like its a nationality, but still a black person cant change to a white person). its like day-am, we all are who we are. government should give them equal tax benefits, equal acceptance, equal consequence (so if gays are "ga-married" and get "ga-davorced" they have to split the estate and go through messy court and all that stuff too). but what happens if a gay man wants to be equal to a woman and have a womb implanted into his belly so he could have a baby too? (cause i KNOW someone has thought about that, they're growin ears on rats) i mean seriously, how far is it gonna go?
anyone ever hear of compromise?
Man pregnant again. http://parenting.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/14/giving-children-space-or-the-pregnant-man-is-pregnant-again/
OK, now THAT is just WRONG! Where's the baby supposed to come out? His butthole?
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