Yeah, I'm serious about this whole, "repeal Prop H8" business. 52.1% Californians need to expand their concern for chickens to include p-e-o-p-l-e. The California Supreme Court is most likely going to be making a decision on whether or not to repeal Prop 8 very soon.
While same sex marriage may be against some people's religion, it isn't okay for religions to go around buying legislation that eliminates civil rights for gays and lesbians. Excuse me, but did someone "white out" separation of church and state in the constitution?
So everyone please visualize and repeat this mantra, "equal rights for all of us." People are afraid of what they don't understand. It's time to be brave, let go of fear and let love expand our consciousness.
We want to look good in the history books twenty years from now, don't we? "Yes We Do!"
Tomorrow's kids won't look with eyes that discern black from white, or straight from gay, male from female. They're just gonna see aura colors. Think I'm crazy? Time will tell. Besides, look around it's already happening.
It's not the end of the world as fear mongers would have us believe. Rather it's the beginning of a new one. Besides that we seem to be setting an example for the rest of the world. Look how far we've come. Let's take this all the way.

Ahh, we'll never look good in the history books. You're talking about government here, they always screw up.
Okay here goes. Supreme court again!!!! come on how much time and money are we gonna spend on all of this. Its crazy!!! Give them their rights to share everything that goes along in a marriage thats fine but, DO NOT change the word "marriage" I am not a catholic nor a mormon just a normal 40 something woman raising a family with my husband and working hard to have a peaceful life. I have friends that are gay and love and respect them very much. I have to agree with Pikaki's comments come up with your own word. They all are protesting about their rights Where's mine?? Why is my belief wrong and theirs right? Leave the word marriage ALONE come up with another word. HMMMMM might that be a compromise. I believe so then everyone can go home and worry about all the other crap thats going on in this world. Be glad you are here today because at this rate who knows whats coming next.
Ah-men sistah!
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