Lately, I have been thinking if I didn't drink coffee I could be a Mormon. Oh, and I would also have to be Yes on 8, but everyone knows, I'm no on H8. Right???
My stand against prop H8 pretty much ruins my candidacy for being a good Catholic. I often feel like an outsider when I attend my Mom's Catholic functions, but I work through my feelings by being me and being okay with who I am. Which is pretty much what I do wherever I am, anyways.
And I would be a Buddhist if I could be a vegan and abstain from sex. But what fun would that be?
And I could be a JDub (Jehovah's Witness) if I didn't enjoy celebrating holidays. I have thought for a long time, "I Would Die For You" is about Jesus, even if Prince wasn't in the Witness Protection Program back then.
But aside from all those issues my real problem with religion is I would have to be able to listen to what other people tell me to do, think, say and feel. I'm not very good at that. Unless it's someone telling me to go one a wave, but even then I only go if I feel like it. Besides, surfers are notorious for egging fellow surfers into waves, especially bad ones, just to clear the line up, and have all the waves to myself. No, that isn't a typo.
Just ask my Mom. She will say, among other things, I never do what she says. "I still love you, Mom."
Anyways, I can't really lose something I never found in the first place, can I? Or, maybe, in all my searching I made up my own way to connect to my soul........It's called the Church of Surf, where I am at one with all that is.
I don't just save this specialness for the Ocean. No, I take my stoke and share it with the world. Because God, and I'm not talking about an old man with a white beard, lives in every cell of every single being's body no matter what their religion is or isn't. That's my belief anyways. And it works for me.
you sound confused. lol
Yeah, maybe someone will bring me some literature to clear my confusion.
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