When I first read Proposition 8, I thought, "No problem, that will never pass in California, one of only three states in the country to recognize same sex marriages."
But then I started to notice way too many signs that say, "Yes on 8: Protect Marriage." Really? So if prop 8 passes the hetero world's divorce rate is going down? Probably not.
Now I am worried and confused. How can intelligent people believe someone else's marriage is a threat to their own marriage. Is that a trend in this country, "Let's blame all our problems with marriage on someone else, then we can feel better?"
I believe it was Jesus Christ who said, "Judge not lest ye be judged." Boys and girls, what that really means is when we judge someone we are really judging ourselves. For example, if I have an issue about my nose being big I will suddenly start to notice everyone else's big nose, because I am subconsciously being triggered on my big nose issue. When I come to a place of acceptance regarding my nose, then other people's noses no longer bother me because I am okay with my nose. Proof of my nose acceptance can be found by my shameless display of it on this blog.
Jesus also taught principals of unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness. I am a big fan of Jesus, but not necessarily a fan of any one particular religion. Although, I believe they all have something great to offer. "Many roads leading to the same place." However, religions are not unlike guns: they can be dangerous in the hands of people.
So what I am saying is, perhaps, there are people in this country who are uncomfortable with their own sexuality and marriage. Yet we are obsessed with sexuality and all those slutty famous people. Hmmmmmm.
My solution to this problem is more release, of the orgasmic variety. Yes, I am calling for everyone of legal age to have a minimum of one orgasm a day. And I would never recommend someone try something that I don't already practice myself. Did someone say, "Well I don't have a partner for this kind of thing."
No partner? No problem. And therein lies the beauty of orgasm, my friends, it's a no partner necessary kind of affair. Guys figured this out a long time ago, and frankly it is time for women to join in on the masturbation gangwagon, I mean bandwagon, I think.
Besides when you're alone there isn't anyone to witness or take pictures of all your funny scrunched up faces. So ladies go out and git yourselves a removable shower head, some clothespins and a waterproof, uh, whataretheycalled, penis like thing? Oh yeah, dildo. Or just dig them up out of the drawer they've been hidden away in, and let the fun begin. Ladies, remember the trifecta of an orgasm is simultaneous stimulation of the nipples, g-spot and clitoris. Really.
I got married so I could have dirty sex, legally. And I think that right should be afforded to all people, regardless of their political affiliation. Yes, I'm fair like that. An orgasm a day keeps the female dog away.
Oh, and by the way, voting No on Prop 8 is a vote for being grown up and not poking thy head in thy neighbor's business. But besides that Californians are progressive, forward thinking and extenders of equal rights to all. And we Californians don't want to be remembered in the history books alongside the same people who withheld voting rights from women, or thought it was okay to give African Americans separate facilities, or made it illegal for whites to marry minorities. Do we?
Go Girl Go!
You Rawk!
No on 8!
You missed your calling. You could have been a sex therapist rather than a journalist!
Do I really have to pick? Can't I be both?
I'm not from California but was surprised and saddened at the results on Prop 8. I expected it when Virginia voted down gay marriage a year or so ago (although I voted in favor of it), but was hopeful that California would lead the way for the rest of us.
via NaBloPoMo
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