Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Vote and Get a Free Cup of Starbuck's Coffee!

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Starbucks is giving a free cup of coffee to everyone who votes today. I am going in for my cup of coffee with my absentee ballot stubs in hand, as soon as I drop off my ballot.

My prediction for voter turnout is 69% of registered voters will vote in this election. It is going to ruin my day if voter turnout is less than 69%. Help me by voting, please. Thanks. However, if the number is higher than 69% I am ok with being wrong. So go ahead prove me wrong by voting.

There is some serious photo shopping going on here folks. Everyone scream, "green screen hey ho!" But it is still funny even if it's totally fake. As in not real, Grandma. Now go vote!

Wassup 08
The Wassup guys are back with a funny, but important message. Watch it and go vote!

Oh you voted early, okay. Thanks. And nice work.


Anonymous said...

Let's do this thing!

Anonymous said...

UH, theyre gonna have to give me a whole lot more than a cup of coffee to vote. Like, maybe if they said, "vote and you'll never be called for jury duty again" then I'd be the first one at the ballets.

wendy@areyoubreathing.com said...

I will let you have any wave you want and I will block if you vote.

Anonymous said...

Have you ever been picked for jury duty. I will take you to lunch if you vote. Does that help?

Anonymous said...

Fix your pics. They're broken.

Anonymous said...


Veronica, Collin and Jed said...

I loved all of the video clips especially the wassup guys, have not seen that one before. I voted this morning too.

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