"Mommy, you're mean!" says Gio.
"Yeah, maybe you should get a new Mommy since I'm so mean," I say.
"I'm going to take you back to the Mommy store," he says.
"The Mommy Store?" I ask, never having heard of such a place.
"Yeah, the Mommy Store and I am going to get toys instead," he says clearly informing me of my value.
"Okay, well see you later. I'm going to the Mommy Store, where maybe some other kids will want me," I say.
"No, you're too mean," says Gio.
"Oh, okay, bye then," I say thinking the Mommy Store sounds like a nice place to escape right about now. I wonder if there is a wave pool at the Mommy Store? I've always wanted to surf one.
"No, you have to wait until tomorrow to go," says Gio. "Because Daddy isn't here right now to be with me."
"Really?" I say.
Later that day when my husband was home I tell Gio, "bye I'm going to the Mommy store now."
"Okay, bye," Gio says. "Wait a minute, think I want a Mommy. You're the nicest. Daddy can go to the Daddy Store."
"The Daddy Store," exclaims Stefan. "Where is it?"
"Far, far away," says Gio. "You have to take a rocket ship there." I believe he was referencing our earlier conversation on how to get to Jupiter. So I'm just going to assume the Daddy Store is on Jupiter. Talk about a long distance relationship.
Wondering how my oldest son felt about Gio's return purchase return I ask, "Vinny, can you believe Gio said he wanted to send me back to the Mommy Store?"
"Don't worry, Mom, the Mommy Store isn't a real place," Vinny assures me.
Nice blog...
The Secret Face ©
where does he even come up with that stuff? lol
Well maybe he got it from us telling him if he doesn't go potty we are going to take his underwear back to the store. I think that's it.
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