One of my favorites things about surfing, besides riding waves, is being out in nature will the frolicking sea life. These shots were all taken from the land, but are nearly as close as any surfing close encounter a surfer typically enjoys.
Though sometimes the sea creatures get too close for comfort. Like the time a sea otter climbed on to my friend's surfboard and started chewing on his traction pad.
"This tastes just like star fish," comments the sea otter. "Chewy."
As far as, sea lions go, not only do I not want them near me, but I feel nervous if they so much as look my way. Sea lions have been known to single out a surfer, follow him for 30-40 minutes, until the surfer has no choice but to get out of the water. No surfer wants to play the mating game with a large sea lion. Besides, they have bad breath.
"Listerine, what's that?" asks the sea lion. "I only gargle with salt water."
I love watching the pelicans surf and dive bomb for fish. And it isn't so bad getting pooped on by bird in the ocean. One splash of salt water and I'm clean as a baby's bottom. The birds are great, but one time we had to get out of the water because there were literally 1000s of birds, flying low and fishing for lunch.
"Yikes!" bubble the fish being hunted under water.
I've had fish jump out of the water, slapping my face, fortunately not landing in my mouth. No, Sashimi for me, thank you.
I've even jumped off my surfboard to find a harbor seal between my legs. We were both equally surprised. I could tell by the startled look on the harbor seal's face when she came up to investigate the creature who landed on her.
"Humans, are always on my back," barks the seal.
I've ridden waves with dolphins and seals. One summer, we surfed with the same harbor seal every night. He always gave me plenty of room on a wave, surfing several feet behind me. Then, at the end of every wave, we paddled back out to the line up, to catch another wave together.
"The best thing about life is sharing it with friends," nods the harbor seal.
Life out on the sea is a home away from home for me, and nothing short of pure magic. Thank you Mama Ocean!
I agree. The beauty... and mystery of life. Thank you, Mother Earth!
Now, only if someone can train the following sea lion to stalk kooks out of the water.
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