Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

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When my son was in kindergarten, I got to be the class leprechaun.

No, I didn't shrink myself, wear a tiny green suit, or pass out four leaf clovers.

But I did get to mess up the room by turning over chairs, blocking aisles and making a mess of things. That part was fun.

But the best part was watching the kids faces when they came in from recess.

"What happened?" many of them asked. "Oh my gosh!" some screeched.

Of course, there was the one kid who said, "some one's parent did this."

But I swore it was the crazy leprechaun, which by the way is a second grade spelling word. And thanks to my second grader, I now know how to spell l-e-p-r-e-c-h-a-u-n.


Anonymous said...

were you laughing the whole time while you were knocking chairs over... screaming... "where's me lucky charms?"

wendy@areyoubreathing.com said...

OMG! did someone see me?

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha LOLOLOLOL

wendy@areyoubreathing.com said...

Are you saying I'm on youtube?

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