Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sunshine in a Box

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I took this photo around 5 pm on Sunday
in my friend's backyard. Yes, her

backyard really is the beach. Amazing!

For the last few days we Californians have been enjoying or surviving, depends on who you talk to, some hot weather.

"It's too hot to work," say many people as they call in sick feigning a cold.


I myself sweated it out in my office, where the temperature ranged from 85 to 87 degrees.

Meanwhile, my Facebook friends in Michigan were updating their status with lyrics from the Milli Vanili song, "Blame It On The Rain," or whoever it was that sang that song. Not only was it raining, but it was 40 degrees.

"It's c-c-c-c-cold outside."

I wanted to do something for them. If it's too hot here, it would be nice if I could give them some of my heat in exchange for some of their cold temps. Then everywhere could be 70 degrees. Wouldn't that be nice?

I promised to send them some sunshine, and here it is.

I hope this blog, with pictures from the last few days of gorgeous weather, warm up my friends and family living in cold locales. I may even refer to it myself....I hear it's supposed to cool down in the next day, and then rain on Friday......

As if I wasn't hot enough already. My
Quads are burning just looking at this

A little backwash and a stiff offshore create
a distortion pattern.

Iz need h-air condishoning.

My favorite phallic symbols to the North.

Homemade palapa. Aka hangout for
the surfing unemployed.

The Monterey Peninsula is a
beautiful backdrop.

10 comments: said...

Well now that it's foggy, I'm especially enjoying today's blog. It looks as if it's going to burn off. Time will tell.

EndofTired said...

SunSunSun! Thanks for making me smile...being sick for real hasn't kept me inside (during this weather, death might be all that could), but it has made me miss my buds. This helped. Lots.

Anonymous said...

Well in Northern Minnesota it has been no sunshine and plenty cold. But today your blog has brought on mostly cloudy skies... that means some sun (happy happy). And tomorrow is promising temps near 70 (truly happy).

pikaki said...

lol love it. lol thank you made me laugh. back to the central coast refrigerator. said...

OMG! It's working yay! I'm so excited. I hope I don't cause anymore global said...

Is there anything nice weather cannot cure? I think not. said...

Hey Lara I've been riding my bike. I'm not sure you would call it a bike though. It's a bit modified. said...

Refrigerator is better than oven.

Anonymous said...

Hey, what is a modified? Did I miss the day you blogged about it? Well if not there is an idea?
-Lara said...

Yeah that is a blog and I don't think I rode about my modified "hospital" bike. That's what the guy at the bike shop called it. My friend calls it the frankenstein bike.

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