Saturday, April 18, 2009

"We're Off to See the Wizard," And I'm Going To Give Him A Piece of My Mind

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What? You don't have a Wicked version of Barbie?
5th from the Left.

The day has finally come. Wicked is here and I'm going. Yay. Now I can say for myself, "Wicked was sooooooooo good!"

As opposed to listening to my friends say, "Wow, it was really good. We sat in the front row!"

I'm pro-bragging, but all this talk has me drooling, green liquid all over my shirt and I can't get these stains out. I'm tired of people asking me, "What's up with that bib?" "And why is it green? Ewwww!"

Yes! Why, am I oozing green! Sounds like a question for a funny little man, who loves to fly around in his hot air balloon, disseminating green elixir to all of his little pretties.

"Elphie, Glinda, I'm on my way!"

I will teach a certain nasty Wizard to mess with my friends and their little animals, too!


pikaki said...

was the chick in the pink dress singing there yesterday? she's a funny one. ok it looks kinda cool, i'll go with you next time. said...

She wasn't there but the actress who played her was hilarious. You won't be disappointed!

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