Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Jellyfish Stung Me In The Eye, Probably

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Yes that's me, but I can't remember the guy's name who took the pic.
(circa 2002ish)

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" I scream while paddling back out to the surf slope (line up).

"What's wrong?" asks Belinda, my surfing best friend forever.

"I think I got stung in my eye by a jellyfish ," I say.

"Nah, it's probably sand," says Belinda.

"I think I got stung," I say sticking to my story, mainly because jellyfish sting sounds way gnarlier.

My eyes were closed when I went underwater, so how could sand get in my eye? Therefore, it must be a jellyfish sting. Right? Probably.

I'd been stung in my eye by a jellyfish,once before , I believe. I was blinded for about twenty minutes. Then I was fine. This time didn't last as long, probably because I had protective contact lenses on.

"Let me check you're eye," says Belinda. "Ooooooooooo, yeah, it's all red."

"Did you see a jellyfish?" she asks.

"No," I say. "But I never see jellyfish when they sting me. Besides, we almost never see sharks, does that mean they aren't out here?"

1 comment:

pikaki said...

that jellyfish sure has some super accurate tentacle-ing.

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