Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Comedy of Errors

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Staged photo: "You can only do this when Mommy says it's okay."

Note: Sunday, I staged some photos for yesterday's blog, in the bathroom sinks. I didn't bother to clean up the messes, right away.

After going to the bathroom Vinny runs down the hall yelling, "Mom, my toothpaste is on the counter! With the lid off! And someone smeared it in the sink! It wasn't me! I think Gio did it!"

I didn't have to say anything. Innocent people were confessing left and right. Well, just one person.

"I did it because I was spitting the toothpaste out," Gio confesses, falsely.

Then my husband got into the mix, upon waking from a drunken, benadryl-induced coma, "Gio's been finger painting in the sink, with toothpaste!"

I love it when I make a mess, everyone takes notice and freaks out, as if something out of the ordinary has happened. Maybe I'm not as messy as I think, after all?


LeeAnn said...

Funny!!!! said...

Yeah except I think I taught him a new trick. Bad Mommy!

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