Sunday, September 6, 2009

Happy Ending Sugarland

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One of my favorite bands of all time is Sugarland. Not because I'm a huge country fan, or I'm addicted to twang. But because Sugarland writes great songs. Some are fun, some are sad, and my favorites are inspiring and speak volumes of truth regarding the human spirit.

This particular song, "Happy Ending," has some of the most inspiring lyrics of any song stuck in my little MP3 player mind.

"We're all lookin' for a happy ending," really applies to all of us. "We come here with nothing and take it with us the day we leave, first and last breath don't matter it's all the ones that are in between."

Oh and let's not forget the Martin Luther King and the first astronauts to walk on the moon references. Those are some of this country's most inspiring leaders ever. Yeah, I could go on and on, but I need to go surfing. And I know y'all are smart and get what I'm saying. Even if you don't like country, listen to the words, they're inspiring.

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