Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Paying Attention

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I accomplished a lot yesterday.

First, I went to my dental appointment, even though the temptation to cancel was high for fear of missing good waves. Turns out the waves were bad. Yay! And no cavities! Double Yay!

The dentist was disappointed though, "you're no fun," he said.

Seems like a weird thing to say. I would never be disappointed if my clients felt so good they never needed another massage, again. I'd be happy for them. Besides, I'm one of the funnest persons I know!

Then I went for a hike with the dog and we didn't see any mountain lions. Yay! Not sure how the mountain lion felt about that...........

Next, I had to make a tough decision: go for coffee or go shopping at Trader Joe's. Hmmmmmmmm? Then I remembered TJ's coffee bar, and I thought to myself, "I love multitasking!"

After the grocery/coffee run, I went to pick up Gio from school. We hadn't been driving down the road more than a minute, when Gio says, "Mommy you went grocery shopping!"

The groceries were all stowed in the back, behind his seat.

"What, how do you know I went shopping?" I say.

"I can hear the food wobbling back there," says Gio with a laugh.


Sara said...

Isn't it interesting and wonderful the things kids notice?? said...

Exactly my point! Yeah I always wonder what else do they know?!

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