I'm noticing a lot of people getting triggered, flying off the handle with very little, if any provocation, lately. Seriously, I saw two people get into a twitter fight, the other day.
People seem to be more impatient while waiting in line. I'm pretty sure breathing down the neck of the person in front of you doesn't make the line go faster.
Certain celebrities can't seem to wait until it's their turn to speak, people are dying, and a lot of folks are sick. Sirens are going off left and right.
What's going on??? I hate to go all astrology on everyone, but there a few more days left of Mercury Retrograde, which started September 7th and goes through September 29th. Mercury Retrograde lasts about three weeks, but has a shadow effect before and after it starts, like the gift that keeps giving.
For a traditional explanation of Mercury Retrograde click here.
Here's an nontraditional explanation of Mercury Retrograde, it's when the shiite hits the fan. The planet Mercury, governs communication, contracts, and travel. So things can go haywire in those areas.
It isn't as if I stop living my life, but I do try to lay low, get extra rest, and not engage people who are on the edge. I was born during Mercury Retrograde (MR) and we bought our house during another Mercury Retrograde period.
Life goes on, thank goddess.
I have a friend who explains MR like this:
"It's a pop quiz to see if you've dealt with your issues that glommed on to you the first six years of your life, aka homework. The first week of Mercury Retrograde represents the past, the second the present and the third week the future."
So Mercury Retrograde is really an opportunity for me to pay attention. To see where I am in my life's process with my past issues, my current issues, and a little look into my future.
The technique I apply during trying times, is to harness my inner peace and calm, by breathing consciously. Especially, when an emotional trigger gets in my face, taunting me to act like a crazy person.
Breathe in one, two, three, four. Hold one, two. Exhale one, two, three, four.
OMG! So that's why we're getting our teeth kicked in every time we offer a contract on a house! Whew! I thought it was because I smelled bad.
Whoa, that is just...uncanny. Uncanny!
J well maybe. We bought our house during MR, plus they couldn't really smell you all the way over here could they?
uncanny I haven't heard that word in long long time
You have no idea...PU. And yeah...I guess someone IS getting the houses. Must still be working our Karma.
aw it'll happen breathing
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