Monday, September 21, 2009

Spamalot The National Tour

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"Spamalot is going to be in San Jose for a week!" says Stefan. "I want to go!"

"Wasn't I the one that told you about Spamalot?" I ask. "Didn't I send you a an article several years ago, about Spamalot saying, 'we should go!'"

"Yeah, you did," Stefan admits.

But it doesn't matter whose idea it was, because we had a great time. We laughed a lot. Spamalot is a musical based on the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail.

The musical is full of silly humor, sexual innuendo, several inspirational songs, and in our showing there was a reference to Michael Jackson. Spamalot even made fun of Kanye West, man-child-fool.

Killer bunny.

I only have one complaint.

There was a lot of cleavage of the female variety. The female cast members either wore something resembling a bikini or lingerie, or some combination of both. Now I agree women are beautiful.

But I prefer men and it would have been nice to see way more bulging biceps or peppy pecs, y'all. Is it too much for a girl to ask for a little balance and foreplay, I mean fair play?


Sara said...

I love that movie!! Now I have to go over to Netflix and put it at the top of my queue! said...

You'd probably love the musical too. It was way better than I thought it would be.

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