Friday, September 18, 2009


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Who in their right mind would buy a child white clothing?

a. Someone who takes their dirty linens to a laundry service.

b. Someone who has a live in maid that does their laundry.

c. Someone who doesn't have children.

d. Someone who has a wife who does all their laundry.

Yes, these are just some of the answers that flew through my mind a few mornings ago when the issue of the CLONE costume arose.

"I'm going to be a clone today," states Gio.

"Great, well, you better go put your costume on, because I'm leaving in 15 minutes," I warn. "And if you don't come with me, the police will be here shortly to pick you up."

"I need white pants and a white shirt!" says Gio.

"You don't have white pants, pick something else, quickly," I say confidently.

"But clones wear white pants," he says slowly, so I can understand.

Then in a moment of complete and utter parenting illumination, I realize if I turn the grey pants inside out we would magically have WHITE CLONE PANTS.

Did I care that my son's wearing his pants inside out? Yes, about as much as I care that he's wearing his shirt backwards, for the second day in a row, which is not at all.


Sara said...

LOVE IT! Does that "the police will be here shortly" line really work??

EndofTired said...

Freakin' GENIUS! said...

Yes it hurries him up so fast and if it doesn't I mention the fact that when the police find him here alone they will have to lock Mommy up in jail. And he'll have to go live with Harry Potter's Aunt and Uncle and live in a closet. said...

Thanks Jenn. I have to admit I felt like one.

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