Wednesday, May 13, 2009

American Idol Top 3 Results

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I wasn't going to watch American Idol this week. But after reading my Facebook Friends' American Idol commentary, I couldn't resist. I didn't watch it much American Idol because it was so bad.

"Baboop, baboop, baboop," says the Tivo remote.

Danny Gokey went home tonight. Thank goodness. I couldn't finish either of his performances. Though I thought he did a nice job channeling the movie, Ghost.

I can say the same for Adam. I couldn't watch either song all the way through. I really love U2's "One," but not with Adam doing the same old, old.

Kris Allen's first song was not so good. But I have got to go with my Facebook Friend on Kris's second song.

Kris sang Kanye's Heartless and he killed it!! It was awesome. I think he totally deserved to stay

That being said, Kris has gotten better almost every week. Let's just crown him Idol now, and be done with all this silliness. For such a rebel or whatever he is, Adam is soooooooooo boring. I, personally, can't stand watching him anymore.


Unknown said...

By reading this article we can come to conclusion that Adam has not done well but Kris is OK.SEO Tampa said...

Well Adam is just so the same every week. But I did really like him at one point.

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