Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thank You for the Million Dollars

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I got so many birthday wishes yesterday. By phone, email, facebook, even in person in the real world, that was so weird.

I just want to say Thank You! to everyone who participated in my birthday celebration. Everyone made it so fun for me, I didn't even mind going to work!!!!

I would especially like to say thanks for all the gifts, especially the anonymous gift of one million dollars. The card said it was for being such a great me. All I can ever be is me. It takes so much energy to pretend to be someone I'm not, just ask any actress how exhausting her work is............

Now for tonight, does anyone have any idea who is going to be the next Idol????? Leave it in the comment section. I will be watching American Idol tonight if I survive a night on the Ocean, and I'm not talking about surfing here.

The view from my birthday hike.
Thanks J!
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