Thursday, May 14, 2009

Watch Out for Flying Clothes.

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"Ahhhhhhhh! Get it off me now!"

The other morning Gio, Nadia the Dog, and I were in the bathroom. Without looking at Nadia the Dog, I could feel something was upsetting her.

However, she is usually upset about something. That something can range from someone almost stepping on her, to the wind blowing too hard, and rattling the doors inside the house.

"Yipes!" says Nadia the Dog.

I looked down to assess her current issue. Surprisingly I think this time she had a real reason to be upset. She had Gio's pajama top draped over her head.

"This pajama top is freaking me out!" yipes Nadia the Dog. "Get if off, please," she begs.

"Why does Nadia have your pajama top on of her head?" I ask Gio.

"Because I put it there," says Gio, waving his hands all about to describe the flinging action.

"Of course," I say. "She doesn't look like she likes it. I think she needs help."

"Oh, let me take it off," says Gio.

And he did.

"Thank you for saving me from that perilous situation," says Nadia the Dog to Gio. "But weren't you the one that got me into that mess in the first place?"


EndofTired said...

C says, "Hey! Those were my jammies!" He feels a little responsible for the decorating of Nadia. But he liked her new "hair". said...

Cee's clothes are the only clothes Gio will wear now. Nadia likes them ok, too.

nana/mom said...

Be nice. Nadia is my special girl dog. She thinks I am pretty cool because I always feed her. Grandsons like the treats I bring. They think I am cool. What a little food can do!! said...

They think you're cool because you are, silly girl.

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