The road trip was a success for many reasons and here are twenty-one of them.
1. The check engine light, lit up right when we hit the road.
"We're driving to the dealership," says Driver.
As we're driving to the dealership, Driver gets bright idea to call Dealership Mechanic Guy. Thank goodness for smart people.
"It's going to be a 2 hour wait," says Dealership Mechanic Guy. "If the light isn't flashing you're okay. "If the check engine light starts flashing pull over immediately."
Fortunately, Check Engine Light never flashed and turned off after four hours, like mechanic guy promised. It was all the fault of the gas lid being applied improperly.
"If you don't do me right, I get really cranky," says Gas Tank. "I can't have air in my tank, it makes me bloated.
Oddly enough Willie Nelson starts singing, "On the Road Again," and the radio wasn't even on. Weird.
2. Only one drunk person the whole trip. "Y'all have to be quiet the kids are starting to wake up," said by Adult With Kid around 12 am. Immediately, followed by more laughter for at least one more hour.
Good thing only one of us was drunk. Wait I had a contact high, so I was as good as drunk.
3. Surfers were up everyday by 4ish a.m. and surfing by 5:40 a.m.
4. One Surfer got to enjoy her coffee, while the other Surfer drank coffee and did other things.
5. All Adults With Kids slept at least 12 total hours for the entire three night stay, I think.
6. Adult Without Kids, aka Free Spirit, took naps and surfed twice everyday, and was frequently heard saying things like, "I'm so tired," and " I need a break from these kids," and "it's harder when you don't have kids, and "I hope this doesn't hurt your feelings, but I don't think I'm going to have kids, ever."
"Trust me my feelings are not hurt," says Adult with Kid. "I often feel the same way."
7. Adults with kids went to Legoland twice, even though it was written in blood (we had blood in excess, some of us had it more than others) that, "we definitely aren't going to Legoland twice because that would be too much in such a short trip."
Apparently the Go Back to Legoland within 90 days FREE! tickets were burning a hole in some one's pocket.
"Ouch that was hot," says #1 Adult with Kid. "We'll only stay a few hours,"
"If we don't leave now, I'm going to vomit," says Other Adult with Kid, 45 minutes before Legoland closes.
8. Someone learned how to wrap with toilet paper.
9. The room was stocked with a lot of toilet paper, so ,"trust us you don't need to conserve it, please feel free to take out a tree or two." Immediately followed by, "did you just use a whole roll of toilet paper???"
10. Only a small amount of poo missed the toilet, considering how much crap there was. I'm not going to mention where (sh) it landed, I will just refer readers to this blog,
11. The poo smell emanating from the condo out into the breezy hallway was just cheese odor, not a direct result of #10. Phew! Or perhaps, PEW! is more appropriate.
12. Most of us only ate Mexican food once. Immediately followed by, "that food gave me gas!"
13. We didn't crash the car, but barely.
"This isn't a safe place to do a U-turn," says Adult #1.
"It's fine," says Other Adult.
"Please don't," says Adult #1. Followed by, "Ahhhhhhhhhh!, we're gonna die!"
"Good thing, she had good brakes," says Other Adult, who from then on began listening to Adult #1 the entire rest of the trip. Happy endings do come true.
14. We only pulled over on the highway one time and no one hyperventilated or had a panic attack, but barely.
"Next time, can we please get off the highway before pulling over," says Adult. "I can always buy a new bike."
15. The bikes managed to stay on the racks the entire time.
16. The surfboards managed to stay strapped to the roof, but not without commentary.
"Geez I feel like I'm in a straight jacket up here," says Surfboard #1.
"Shutup, we're going to surf Trestles," says Surfboard #2. "You're so spoiled always getting to ride in the front seat all the time. Thank goodness for strap-ons or we wouldn't even be going on this trip."
17. The kids got along because there weren't any taunting siblings on the vacation. (Siblings are currently banned to their rooms for rivalry and irritating blogging Mommy.)
18. The adults got along because there was 1 great day of surf, though it was close because that didn't happen til the last day. And we went to Legoland twice.
19. The trip was not extended another 2 days, because it was requested after the car was packed, and we were heading home.
"It's gonna be so good tomorrow, I can't believe we're leaving, now, says Surfer, followed by tearful sobbing.
20. We laughed a lot. At ourselves, and each other.
21. I came home to a clean house, one without laundry, clean, dirty and somewhere in between, strewn all over the place.
"I couldn't stand looking at laundry everywhere so I put it away the best I could," says Stefan. "I have no idea if I put it in the right place, though."
Did he rent a wife while I was gone? Could she please come back? I'm an open person.
"Did I mention your Mom was here every night?" says Stefan. "I don't know what she did.......oh yeah, she was on the computer the entire time."
Never mind.
Too funny! Good blog!
LOLOL Love it! Talking surfboards! HAHAHA Laughed like 10 times! LOL
I think I've finally gotten the poo off my arm. phew. I mean eeeeewwwww.
And this may be your best work yet! I laughed out loud. A lot.
Lol! Sounds like a great trip!
It's more funny when you're there, I have a feeling. Yeah our surfboards talk a lot of trash just like their people
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