Monday, May 11, 2009

Post Mama's Day

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Vinny wrestling with an alligator.

Goddess was kind to me this Mothers Day. Not only did I not have to go to church, but I got to surf twice.

We went to the beach around 11ish. Stefan set up a tent with the boys while I went out for my first session. It was so fun!

Then after my surf, Stefan went for a surf and he had fun too! OMG!

After he surfed, he took Vinny for a surf. Too bad I didn't go get my camera until the end of Vinny's session, when he was too tired to stand up anymore. Surfing is a lot of work and takes a lot of energy.

Did I mention surfing is fun?!

Then we were going to hook up with my Mom, or so we thought. But she didn't answer her phone or call us back, ever. So, I went surfing again! Yay!

Glad I didn't wait around for her to not call. I'd be having abandonement issues and crying on the blog, right now.

As she says, and I quote, "I have a life."

Here are some pictures, enjoy!

Yeah Bee, I'm really rubbing it in.
Good thing you know I love you.

Vinny on board.

Getting ready to pop up.

Gio didn't surf, but he had plenty of commentary.

I wasn't the only Mama enjoying the beach.

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